About Us

We are the Representative for Indonesia Area of products CEEBEE, ZOK, Sherwin-Williams Aerospace and IPG.

Tuesday 6 October 2015


A premium finish for use on high performance General Aviation, Business Jets, Military, and Commercial Aircraft.
QUFind superior solutions that will get your plane in the air faster - without sacrificing appearance or durability. - See more at: http://www.swaerospace.com/products/#sthash.ag86LMH0.dpuf

Quality Changes Everything

Find superior solutions that will get your plane in the air faster - without sacrificing appearance or durability.
- See more at: http://www.swaerospace.com/products/#sthash.ag86LMH0.dpuf


The Cee-Bee® division takes pride in its many years of product service to the commercial and military aviation industry. With manufacturing in Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States, the Cee-Bee® division is positioned to serve the global aviation industry. Among available products are engine overhaul products, cleaning products, lavatory care products, light metal processing products, and paint stripping products. Our customers receive the best quality products backed by research and service.

For more than 75 years, Cee-Bee® aviation products help commercial airlines, military, aerospace, and original equipment manufacturers meet the demanding requirements of the aviation industry. All products are tested against aviation industry specifications. These products are also designed to be environmentally friendly while minimizing operating costs.

Cee-Bee® cleaners are available for most aviation applications including cleaning aircraft exteriors, removing difficult soils, and cleaning sensitive alloy surfaces. Cee-Bee® lavatory care products help maintain clean and odor-free lavatories while maintaining functionality. 

Cee-Bee® engine overhaul products are designed to safely remove scale and soils from turbine blades and other engine components. Cee-Bee® paint strippers are designed to quickly remove paint from aircraft and aircraft components without damaging the underlying metal or damaging the environment.


ZOK® manufactures gas turbine compressor cleaning solutions

Cleaning power for all gas turbines

ZOK manufactures and distributes globally turbine, engine, and compressor cleaner solutions for all gas turbine compressors. ZOK products are bio-degradable meeting the demanding requirements for aquatic toxicity.
Endorsed by the British MoD and other well known users, ZOK is a manufacturer of gas path cleaners that you can trust.
  • Cleaning with ZOK improves gas turbine efficiency and extends the time between major overhauls, increasing gas turbine performance, the availability and reliability of any compressor plus reducing through life costs. Read more…
  • Environmentally responsible water based products that help maintain maximum output for any type of gas turbine compressor.
  • All major gas turbine manufacturers approve ZOK for use in every industry sector, for improved gas turbine performance and gas turbine efficiency.